MIT 4.202 Geometric Modeling Fall 2003
Using MAX: Materials and Mapping - Hands-On Handout 2
prepared by: Haldane Liew
version: 2003.10.31

This handout provides a step-by-step process to apply textures to your model in MAX. It only covers a few of the most commonly used commands that you will need for your assignment. For a more detailed explanation on the interface and tools of MAX, refer to the lab handouts and the Help menu in MAX.

Get Geometry

01. Download the demo files.
Transparent Materials
02. Making a standard transparent material.

03. Making a raytrace transparent material.

04. Assign glass material to geometry.

Light Modification
05. Excluding geometry from lights.

Texture Maps and Mapping Coordinates
06. Make a new material for the exterior floor.

07. Maximize Top view and render. 08. Assign mapping coordinates to "expansion.01". 09. More adjustments to the Gizmo. 10. Making a new material for the interior floor. Adding Secondary Lights
11. Using multiplier and attenuation with omni lights.

More Materials
12. Adding concrete to the walls.

13. Create the material for the mullions. 14. Create the material for a red leather couch. 15. Create the material for the steel on the leather couch. Environment
16. Change the background color.
17. Use a bitmap for the background. Procedural Materials
18. Adding a reflection procedure to the hardwood floor.
19. Procedural checkers instead of wood on the floor. 20. Procedural brick on the walls. Detaching Surfaces
21. Detach some faces to assign a different material.
22. Apply the floor material to the new floor.

23. Copy a UVW map.

The Two Sides of a Surface
24. Flip normals.

25. Double-sided materials. 26. Force 2-sided.

Bump Map
27. Using bump maps.

Opacity Map
28. Using opacity maps.

29. Making water with a noise bump map.

30. Making water with a water bump map.

Touch Up Images
31. Photoshop