
Computation Design Lab: Digital Heritage 2015
- Technology, History, and Design for the Future -


Primary Instructors:
    Takehiko Nagakura (takehiko@mit.edu, Associate Professor, MIT)
    Daniel Tsai (dtsai@mit.edu, Research Fellow, MIT SAP)
Colloborating Instructors:
    Howard Burns (Professor at Scoula Normale Superiore, Pisa)
    Terry Knight (tknight@mit.edu, Professor, MIT)

TA: Derek Ham (partial appointment)

Spring 2015 - Class Information

This class is a sequel following the spring 2013/2014 subject, and may be taken repeatedly with the permision of instructors.
Undergrad students should sign up 4.550 and grad students shoruld do 4.570.

Due to two days of MIT closing on snow, the first class meeting was shifted and takes place on Friday, February 13, 7:00 pm, Room 7-304

Regular Class hours: Monday 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Rm 5-216)
Lab (subject to change): Tuesday, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Rm 9-251)
Limited Enrollment: 5 students
Field trip: Students are required to participate in the sponsored trip to Italy during the spring break (March 21-27).
Outside Suponsors/Collaborators:
   Centro Internationale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio (Palladio Center) and its museum in Vicenza, Italy
   Department of Architecture, MIT

What History of Architecture has to do with Digital Design Technology?

The theme of the Computation workshop this year is Digital Heritage, and we will combine digital technology and architectural history for design pedagogy and exploratory research. The workshop aims to study important built and un-built architectural designs in northern Italy including classic and modern works such as Palladio's villas and Carlo Scarpa's Brion Tomb, to create their digital catalogues in novel content formats, and to design prototype installations representing architectural designs and relevant ideas through applications of contemporary digital methods. They include photogrammetric modeling, panoramic video, game engine, drone, Kinect, and Oculus Rift. It will be run by collaborating with historians and technology experts, and is open to all architecture students, graduate and undergraduate, in Computation, History, Architectural and Urban Design, and Art. During the spring break, the class will visit sites in northern Italy, learn from prominent historians, and experiment with advanced software and hardware in collaboration with our technology sponsor. Our goal is to rethink architecture and the city from the past to the future.


Project Example Developped from 2013 Workshop: Villa Poiana in Augmented Reality Tablet

(.mp4 video, 93 seconds)

Multirama homepage


Examples of project topics:
  • Compilation of a parametric component catalogue and assembly tool development in Building Information Modeling
  • Mobile application: augmented reality tool for live on-site visualization of un-built, demolished, or incomplete buildings
  • Interactive educational tool that uses game engine and helps museum visitors to learn Palladio's designs
  • 3D stereoscopic/panoramic visualization of immersive experience in built/un-built designs
  • Digital preservation: Construction and interface design of location-based system of text,drawing, 3d form, texture, photograph, and video
  • Use of 3D sensor equipment for digitally capturing built forms on-site and fabricating detailed replicas of architecture as design documentation

For up-to-date schedule, assignments and topics of the weekly classes, visit and log-in to the Steller site below.

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