LISPLOADER© Dispatching Multiple Files

4.207 Tutorials and Samples
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original: 2/5/97 last revised : 2/5/97


Dispatching Multiple Files

The contents of this page are under experimental stage and subject to change without notice.

1. Prepare all the files you need to dispatch
You may use .lsp files, .dcl files, arx files and ads files. For instance, suppose your program consists of one AutoLISP file and one DCL file named


2. Make an entry file to indicate initial action.
After all the files are transfered from the server to the local workstation, LISPLOADER\051 should know which file to start processing first. This instruction should be encoded in a file named


This file should include one line which indicates the initial action such as loading an AutoLISP file. In our example, LISPLOADER\051 should load "pk.lsp", which in turn will load "pk.dcl".

To create this entry.ntr, you may use any text editor and make a text file named "pk.lsp" whose first line is

(load "pk.lsp")

or you can do this in UNIX shell as below.

echo '(load "pk.lsp")' > entry.ntr

3. Make a tar file.
Actual transfer from the server to the local workstation happens in the form of a single tar file which incluldes the contents of all the necessary files to be dispatched. Use UNIX tar command to make this file and make sure to name it with .ntu suffix. The syntax is

tar cvf xxx.ntu file1 file2 file3 ...

xxx.ntu is the name of tar file created. File1, file2, file3 ... are the names of files to be included in this tar file.

tar cvf pk.ntu entry.ntr pk.dcl pk.lsp

4. Make a link
Finally, just make a hyper link to the xxx.ntu file. This is an example.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology